The Jensens

The Jensens

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Thoughts about Moving

Not that we've told many people, but we've been house hunting for the past two months.
Surprisingly, our first bid was accepted and we were on the road to home owners WAY sooner than I sure expected.

And I guess we're still on that road.. 
but it's become a bit bumpy with all the contingencies to remove in the process. 
(if you don't understand what that means, its OK, Im still confused about the terminology) 

It basically means we're waiting for inspections to be complete and loans to be accepted and funded by a bank... and once those are all completed then we "remove the contingencies" 

(still confused? ...Sorry)

Anyway, the point is that it's got me thinking. What if things don't work out? Or what if it's not worth it  to go through the whole process, knowing that in 4 or 5 years we'll need a bigger place. 


 my biggest epiphany occurred when Chris' parents headed back home. 

Every time we visit with his family I notice that he gets 85% better about being polite, and remembering to be super kind and say sweet things. 
..Or maybe it's just that he's not so tightly wound when he's got his family near by.

And just like that, it's back to his tightly wound comfort zone within 3 days after they're gone.

The epiphany 

What if we moved closer to his family?! 
ugh. when I really think about it, it makes my heart ache. 

But honestly, it all might be worth it to have a consistently pleasant husband 
(and more importantly, father) around. 

It IS just a thought 
but one worth talking about.


  1. Umm yes, that is DEFINITELY worth thinking about. Because then you'll we wayyy closer to us ;)

  2. I still only have student loans, but I'm sooooo willing to chip in to help with the moving expenses - I'll even come out and help you pack! I don't understand how this is just a has to be an epiphany from the Big Guy upstairs because we prayed for you guys to move back and I can send you a link tomorrow for houses near where we want you to live :) Please move back :)
