The Jensens

The Jensens

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Trick or Treat

On Sunday I had a conversation with my Mother-in-Law, Terry, about trick or treaters. And even though we both LOVE the holiday, we still struggle with the reality of how not enjoyable it is answering your door all night, handing out expensive candy some kids who almost knock you over!

But back to the fun of Halloween... I love seeing all the cute and creative costumes kids come up with.

Some that I’ve seen so far:
  • A husband and wife dressed as beekeepers, and their kid dressed as a bumble bee
  • A 3rd grader who turned a huge piece of cardboard into bacon the size of his body.         Finishing touch: A thin gentleman’s mustache .hahah.
  • My sister as The Goblin King, Jareth (played by David Bowie in the movie Labyrinth)

I then got to thinking… What kind of Trick or Treater was I? Honestly, I can’t remember many memories of Halloween, but I do have a few! There was that horrifying year when I was 7 (we were living in Duarte). I dressed up as Jasmin, from Aladdin and while crowding the front porch of a house desperate to get candy, someone stepped on my shoelace.. and I fell butt first into cactus! I was soo angry and in pain! Good thing my memory has failed me in remembering who it was, or else I’d still be holding a grudge against them. I can still remember the bitterness I felt as I watched all the other kids run to the next door. I stood curbside waiting for my neighbor, Gabve, to come pick me up because my parents were out with my other siblings trick or treating. When I got picked up I remember being sad that I couldn’t sit down, and had to figure out a leaning/kneeling position the whole way home (two blocks, big whoop) eternity when in my condition!
   At this point there’s not much that could make it worse. Except trying to take the dang costume off! Obviously, with all those prickly pokies and flowy layers I couldn’t do it myself. So embarrassment flooded my body as my neighbor undressed me down to nothing and filled the tub with warm water to help sooth my itchy skin and hopefully help the needles ease out of my skin better. That was almost nice. No matter how I tried, it seemed impossible to find a position that wasn’t causing the cactus needles to push deeper into my skin. Gabve must have given me some pretty good pain killers too because I don’t remember much after that.

  Another Halloween trick or treating memory I have, was in Camarillo. I must have been about 10 or 11 years old, because I remember how awesome I felt trick or treating with my older sisters. That year they had it all figured out. My mom was driving our green mini-van. You know the ones with the sliding doors. Well, we kept the side doors open as my mom drove down the street so we could jump in and out as fast as possible. It was awesome! We were able to cover so many more neighborhoods that way, which meant only one thing: More candy!

 One of my most vivid (and bitter) Halloween experiences was when I was in 7th grade and had just turned 13. Literally. My birthday is October 2nd, so I was 12 years and 1 month old. I decided it was my last year of trick or treating and me and my best friend Kaile were matching princesses. My Aunt Laura had made our dressed from scratch. Mine was yellow and Kaile’s, pink.  Two blocks into our route we came to a house where a middle aged couple was reluctantly handing out candy. It was my turn. I reached out my bag and said, “Trick or Treat!” The two just stared at me and asked, “Aren’t you a bit too old to be trick or treating?” I said, “No, I’m 12” (hehehe). But they would NOT believe me! And refused to give me candy. I was so mad! My friends kept assuring the couple of my age but the couple just continued with their rude comments. And I was rude back. I can remember yelling out as I left the house (like all mature 13 year old's do) “It’s not my fault I’m tall, you jerks!”  But seriously. The thing that made it so stupid was that I was trick or treating with all my friends, who were in the same grade as me, and I was the second youngest out of our group of 6! And none of THEM were refused candy! So I felt justified!

 Although I didn’t always have the most pleasant experiences on Halloween night, I did always enjoy the parties, dances, and haunted houses that come with it. My mom always planned such fun birthday parties for me with a touch of Halloween. I remember one year she took me and all my friends to a haunted house out in the middle of farming fields. It was terrifying. So terrifying that by the end of the night my mom had pee’d her pants! Hahahah! And being the wonderful mother that she is, she too, laughed it off. I think we were able to find a trash bag for her to sit on, on the way home. Needless to say, it was probably one of my favorite birthdays : ) It was a slumber party where the fun continued all throughout the night and our sleeping quarters were in the garage. It made for one long night of games, giggles, and lasting friendships.
 Happy Halloween!
 Here we are this year as Popeye, Olive Oyl, and Sweet Pea at our Ward Trunk or Treat...
..where the greedy trick or treating was at it's finest! It was so bad that rather than feeling grumpy about it I had to laugh! This 5 year old dressed as an Angels baseball player (Pujols) grabbed a solid handfull of candy and went running off while yelling to his friend, "Lets go hide somewhere and EAT it!" hahahah.

...within 15 minutes Pujols was back for more.
This time he took two handfuls!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Pictures without a story

Seeing that I'm short on time and Hattie has just woken up from her nap, I'm making this short.

Here are a few Photos from the past two months of her life...
I don't have time to elaborate on the stories behind each one, so use your imagination :) I'm hoping details will come soon!

One of my final days of my pregnancy during a hike looking over my hometown of Camarillo.

Checking out with the doctors with Daddy right beside. She's A-ok!

Hattie's first trip to Disneyland with our families! June1st.

After the eventful trip to Disneyland...


We celebrated with Hattie as she was given her baby blessing by her Father, Chris. June 3rd.

The cutest little girl napping on the cutest bkanket! Made by her Auntie Lindsay

Here's Hattie just before she was two months old, finding her fist and learning how to self sooth :)


Thursday, April 19, 2012

Final Thoughts

Today is the day! 

Well it was the day we've been told most consistently that our baby would be born on.
Earth Day!
I'd be thrilled if she were born and raised to be a tree hugging hippie.
What I wouldn't be thrilled about, is if she were born tomorrow on 4/20 and turned out to be a pot smoking hippie! 

  It's been smooth sailing these last few weeks. I was even able to go on a hike with my brother Robert & sister Christine while Geochaching. The happiest thing about it was how careful Robert was about me being stable and supported while trudging up a muddy slick hill. It was the best to see that side of my brother.
 And yesterday I think I finally hit my "nesting" phase :)  I literally deep cleaned the kitchen & bathroom (counter.. I left the toilet & bath for Chris) vacuumed the entire apartment and couch, dusted, did laundry and organized anything and everything I felt needed it. Oh, and I even took out the trash.
 This better mean she's on her way within the next 72 hours!

 Before she does I wanted to take some time to look back on a few things.
And a good start I guess would be, the beginning.

 My family was on to us the day we found out. It was one of my best friends birthdays, August 13th. We went into an urgent care, knowing they don't charge for pregnancy test and found out the good news. To celebrate we called our family and invited them out to dinner with all of us at BJs.  We were only 4 weeks along, so we didn't want to spill the beans just yet, so we disguised our celebration as a celebration for Chris getting a new job in Irvine.  Not 10 minutes after the invitation went out my sister Christine & her husband Mark both replied, "Why? Are you pregnant?!"
 haha. I was shocked! But thankfully we played it off well.

  A few weeks later my Paternal Grandmother was admitted into the hospital and wasn't making much progress. At just 8 weeks along, Chris and I decided to tell her about her first great-grandchild we would be having in April.  It was such a spiritual moment. Her face lit up with her familiar smile and her eyes awoke from their recent daze. We shared a few words and then she fell back into her sickness.  A few moments later she began to ask, "Where is she? Where's the baby?"
 Chris and I looked at each other with confusion and quickly tried to straighten out her thoughts before my parents came to visit. Yet, she insisted and kept asking about the baby girl. Needless to say, my parents were confused themselves.

 After a second stay in the hospital, my grandmother came home and peacefully passed away in September.
I was so grateful to have told her, what was still a secret to the rest of the family and can't help but think she's in heaven watching and preparing our sweet little girl to be welcomed into our family here on earth. 
  And, like she said, we're having a girl! We found out almost 2 months after her passing that we would be having a little girl and immediately thought of my grandmothers words. 
It makes you wonder just how close we are to heaven.
 Like my seminary teacher, Nancy Hales, would always say, "There's no such thing as coincidence."

 Fast forward months later... to last weekend.
Chris was working in the Temple all day and suggested that I come to the Temple myself. I thought he was a bit crazy, seeing that I was 39 weeks pregnant!!! But I thought twice and decided I'd go.
  It was a good choice.
 I felt and instant calm and spirit envelop my body immediately as I sat down. I knew it was where I should be. I was in the Temple for two hours, for those two hours our little baby was active for probably and hour & 45minutes of it all. It was amazing. Usually it takes food, music, or for me to lay down to get her moving. But there in the peaceful quiet I think she, too, was feeling the spirit and knew she was close to home. As her earthly mother it was such a comfort to be given awareness of just how spiritual our beings are, and that no matter the level of motherhood trials, our Heavenly Father is here to guide and comfort me and tell me I'm doing just fine.

 I can't wait to finally see our child face to face and develop the infinite love of a mother.
I couldn't ask for a greater blessing than being a mother, and I hold it close to my heart knowing that it's not a blessing given to every woman here on earth. And I hope to be a mother who can share her motherly duties with the women in my life to let them know just how much I love, value, and trust in them with one of the most precious gifts ever given; my child.
 I'm looking forward to the days to come and excited for family to visit and help welcome our baby into this world!

Lastly, I decided that I'd like a few pictures of me and my belly other than then week to week ones all against a white wall. So Chris and I went to a park near by our home and took a few shots. I think Chris has a little photography talent, if I don't say so myself :)  minus the not telling me when my hair was flying up in the wind..
Warning: Cheesy prego photos ahead! 

Saturday, April 7, 2012


Is it just me or has this week slugged by so stinkin' slow you don't know what to do with yourself?! 

My last day of work was Monday and now I'm kinda wishing it wasn't. Especially because Chris has been working late and makes my boring lonely day THAT much more boring and lonely!
 What I have learned about myself these last few days with every minute of the day free to think, is that 
* I'm much more motivated when someones around to keep me company. . .  
*Maybe I can't live without cable. . . 
*I'm a lot less patient than I thought. . . 
*I'm a tiny bit more needy than I thought. . . 
*I'm so anxious for our babies arrival (Apr. 19th), but still feel like I need another month to be REAL ready.

  With that being said I've really only got two weeks to be ready, whether I like it or not. It's such a thrill to know she's almost here! And I think she's just as excited, because, BOY!, she sure is active and really working out those muscle reflexes. It literally HURTS when she kicks..and she kicks often. I figure it's good practice for me before the real labor pains come, and good practice for her to be stretching before having to squeeze so tight for her arrival.

And hopefully, with her by my side..
*Each day will fly by with caring for her, and not be so boring and lonely
* I will be much more motivated with her keeping me company
*Maybe I can live without cable
*Hopefully my patience will improve
*She'll meet my needs just as much as I'll meet hers (soo looking forward to cuddle time!)
*I'll need not worry about her arrival anymore :)

 Speaking of arrivals, another one we're anticipating is my Mother-in-law! She flies in just one day after baby girls estimated due date! 
 It will be so nice to have a few helping hands and a walking buddy to enjoy the beautiful Southern California weather with. I can't wait to see her (grand)motherly instincts kick in full force with our baby. It's going to be such an awesome time to observe Chris and his own mother completely wrapped up in loving and adoring her. (we'll be buying a video camera just so I can capture moments like this one) 

 Unfortunately, the reality of this all is that it won't be happening for another two weeks and I know, for me, it will feel like an eternity!
 I've been talking with baby girl and discussing her arrival plans. As far as I'm concerned, and if she's been listening at all to her mother, she'll be expected next weekend, on the 14th ;) (that was her very first speculated due date..)

Friday, March 30, 2012

1 year down, an eternity to go..

  It seems crazy that it’s already been a year since our family trek to Manti Utah for our marriage. The memories are priceless; spending time with family in Uncle Tom’s cabin, shooting guns, sitting around a campfire, and admiring the millions of stars piercing through the pitch black night sky. I loved every minute of our time there.
  Unable to be back where it all started this year, we instead, went out to dinner at Mastros Seafood grill. This place was amazing. Never would you normally find us eating at a place like this, but thanks to a great friend and old roommate of Chris’ we were given a gift card that allowed us to afford the bill.
  No joke, the least expensive plate was $45!!! And if you wanted a side to go with it, it was at least another $10.  Like I said, never would you normally find us eating at a place like this.  It was so great though. The restaurant was in Newport Beach right off the PCH, which means we had an ocean view and a beautiful sunset to go with it.
  Chris was so excited about the food he had to keep reminding himself to slow down and actually savor the flavor! We had Halibut and steak with a side of green beans. The meat was so tender it was more like eating mashed potatoes rather than meat. It was awesome!! And the green beans reminded me of the ones we served at our reception in California. Yes, my Aunt Laura cooks just as good as a 5 star beach front restaurant. It was a happy little reminder of our beginning together. The final touch was a celebratory dessert. Five layer chocolate cake with raspberries and freshly made whipped cream. The bowl of whipped cream was just as big as the cake plate, and thank goodness for that! We. ate. all. of. It! It was so stinkin’ delicious.
The best part was that we didn’t have to pay for the dessert!  I’m sure it would have added another $20bucks to the bill… yes, it was that good! (and I don’t even like chocolate cake!)
 We ended the night with a stroll along the beach. It was so peaceful and happy. It made me think, after dinning at such a fancy place, that I’m glad I married the man I did; one who has his priorities straight. And how happy it has been to live a simple life. Boy, do I love that man!
As we look at today and where we’ve come and gone since that time in Manti, too much has happened. Sadly, I still have 5 “thank You” cards to send out. What is it about me that I can’t get myself just to write five quick messages and get them out the door?!  Pathetic, if I don’t say so myself.
Other stats from the year past of married life include:
  A move from Ventura County to Orange County
  Announcement of our soon to come baby.
  2 lost jobs.  . . .

  2 new jobs. Chris @ Redhawk Builders. Erica @ TGiFridays.
  Chris being called to serve in the Newport Beach Temple.
  A handful of trips to Disneyland and California Adventure.
  Quite a few family vacations; including our Western States Road Trip (AZ,NV,UT,ID,WY,WA,OR,CA), camping at Moro Bay and Carpenteria, Thanksgiving in Omaha, Nick & Lindsays Wedding (also in Omaha), and just a few weeks ago, our Anniversary getaway to Las Vegas.
And lastly, It wouldn’t be a relationship without those jolly bickering moments we all know so well. But isn’t it funny how quickly we forget, WHY it happened?!  We may remember the day or the place of where it took place, but I can never seem to remember why.
  … I’m sure if Chris were here with me right now, he could probably help me out with remembering. ;)
PS. I came home from work on our anniversary and here's what I found...

Monday, March 19, 2012

He made me do it

Don’t you just love Sundays?! Going to Church and feeling uplifted, not having to work, taking a nap that can last for hours, waking up and having food on the table ready for you to devour.
. .Well, for Chris at least.
Because someone has to do the cooking. Those days of awaking to a home cooked meal are over for me, unless I’m home for the weekend.
Point is that Sundays are so peaceful and relaxing and I love it. Not to mention that when living in Southern California, nine times out of ten it’s gorgeous outside! You can’t help but want to take a stroll and enjoy the beauty.
 Today Chris and I decided to do just that; Although it was already after sunset and it wasn’t just a stroll. We had a mission. To get to Ralphs in order to return our RedBox DVD we rented the night before.
I thought he was crazy! For one, I’m 8 months pregnant, going on 9! And secondly, Ralphs seemed at least 2 miles away from our apartment! 
Before I agreed, I had him GPS it just to clarify the distance (and hopefully it would be just long enough for him to recognize that I couldn’t make it there and back). We agreed that if it were any more than a mile and a half then I couldn’t do it.
Unfortunately it told us it was 0.7 miles away. Which equals 1.4 miles round trip. Darn it!
So off we went. 
It was pretty chilly out and brought back memories for both of us, of walking home from BYU-Idaho campus after late night study sessions in the Library (granted it wasn't even close to that cold). It’s crazy to think we both went there and experienced the same things, just not together. Funny how that happens. One of my favorite things to do is compare the parallels of our lives before we knew one another. Crazy how many there actually are! Anyway... back to our "stroll"..
We finally got to Ralphs, returned the DVD and took a good 3 minute break. It had taken us 25 minutes to get there and by that time my body was doing fine but my head was starting to ache. Weird.
The kicker on the way home was that it was 100% up hill! I immediately started to feel the extra weight I’ve gained and the stress on my knees.
Chris handled it like a champ and used some of the techniques we’ve been learning in our natural childbirth classes to help keep me focused of my breathing and concentrating on each individual step I took. It totally helped! It was awesome, especially because my abdomen started tightening and causing bouts of pain just minutes before we had reached home and with his guidance and continual reassurance I was able to get through it and not hate him for having the idea that this was ever a good idea! Instead, I was proud of myself for being able to complete such a task at 35 weeks pregnant. Hooray!!!
Plus, we took 27 minutes to get home. Which means we were only 2 minutes slower on the uphill walk home.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Lock it up

Before Chris and I got married we came from two different walks of life.

He was the more responsible type who developed his independence with pride.
She was the care-free girl who always had a slight fear of stepping out on her own.

With that care-free attitude it was rare that I thought twice about locking the door of my house, apartment, and, on occasion, even my car.
Chris and I went through a learning curve with one another in trying to solve this dilemma.

He would become upset with me every time he found me forgetting to lock my door.. and I would become frustrated whenever he'd comment, "Don't forget to lock the door!" in response. ugh... I'd always respond with,
 "Thanks Dad!"
 I don't doubt we both mumbled a few words under our breath about one another in a few of those situations.

Well, needless to say I've highly improved on the matter, and how grateful I am!

Because last night as I found a comfortable spot on the couch around 3am, due to restless and cramping legs and a wandering thought process that was hindering my sleep.. suddenly, the front door handle turned! Followed by the locks trying to be unlocked with a key!
 I was stiff with terror.
The minute it stopped I looked over and saw that the locks were still locked and heard footsteps pacing back and forth in front of our door. I tip-toe ran, back into the bedroom and told Chris what was going on and he quickly secured the premises, like the great protector that he is.
 He didn't see or hear anything, and we were able to fall back asleep soon after. At that point I decided to stay in bed for the rest of the night.

Crazy right?! Well, it wasn't the first time.

 Two weeks ago while I was home sick with a cold I was sitting on the couch reading a book. It was late morning, when suddenly a key entered the door lock and again, the handle started moving. I was terrified! Once the guy realized the key wasn't unlocking the door he started yelling out to someone in Spanish... from what I understood... (yes, I can understand un pequito espanol) ..the guy was a maintenance worker from the apartment complex and had come to the wrong place for a work order.
 Sure they laughed. But I didn't! I immediately called Chris and told him what had happened and after making sure I was once again calm, he wrapped up our conversation with, "Good thing you locked the door!"

So all in all, Chris was right about the importance of locking doors, because you really don't know what's going to happen.

My only weakness is when visiting home. The minute I pull into our driveway my instinctual habit comes right back and it's rare if I ever lock any doors.
 I guess that's what happens when you live in such a quaint and happy little town all your life.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Parking Violation

   Sunday night Chris and I snuck into a church fireside that was meant for singles 31+  ... We thought about taking off our wedding rings in hope to fit in just a little bit more, but with my growing belly I think it would have set me up for an even more awkward situation.

  We REALLY wanted to be there because the announced speaker was a survivor from the Holocaust Concentration camps.
  And so glad we did! This woman was 8 years old when being taken from normalcy and thrown into war and heartbreaking circumstances. She had the most amazing Mother who endured an unimaginable time in those camps and truly had the hand of the Lord in her life to allow for survival.

  I wish you all could have been there! And the greatest part is that this woman, the 8 year old, she's now aged with 8 children, 44 grandchildren, and 7 great grandchildren! Amazing. But even better, she's still beams with happiness and laughter! How many individuals do you know who have experienced such tragedy and horror, yet still find such joy in life?!

  Well, after the wonderful event we drove home only to find a car parked in our assigned parking spot. NOT COOL! Especially because it was raining! ugh.

  So Chris and I came up with a plan, in hopes to get the message across that it was NOT ok to pull something like this.

  We grabbed my handy-dandy window markers and covered their windows with silly comments like, "Just Married" and  tic-tac-toe games. We completed the attack with a large "Parking Violation" ticket in the front window :)  ... we brought our camera in hopes to document but before we could the violator came out to his car and started yelling at us!

  Hahah! I got so nervous I bolted... while Chris just calmly walked back to our appartment. haha. I hope they don't retailiate. Seeing that they know where we park our car.

  But that's what you get when you mess with us!
Good harmless payback ;)

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Wedding Photos.

It all started with our Engagement :)
Chris popped the question on December 23rd... in Omaha, NE in front of the entire fam-damily. Not quite what I had imagined, but definitely memorable as ever!
(Just in time for me to be included in family photos)

Woman with the magical Touch!  There wouldn't have been a wedding without my marvelous Aunt Laura! xoxo
And here are my wedding dresses :) So pretty!

And here is the man of the hour. Thanks to Uncle Tom and his cabin our weekend wedding get-a-way was a success!

The main living space of Uncle Toms Cabin

Looks like love was in the air for us all...

 Making sure of perfection! And they'll tell you... it wasn't easy!

unfortunately I do not have our photos from our actual wedding day in Manti, UT available at this time...
Let's fast forward onto our wedding reception on May, 7th 2011 in Camarillo, Ca

...and more perfection.
My Aunt Melissa and I had a bit of a scare when it actually came time to put it on.
Thankfully we worked it out.

One of my best friends and bridesmaid, Rebekah perfecting the hair & placing the flower

Photo session right before the wedding reception begins...
Love this photo!

Ready, set, ...

How I will treasure this photo more than I ever thought. I'm so grateful to have had you there with me Grandma. Love you and miss you much! PS. Send my love to my baby girl for me. ;)
 The outdoor ceremony in California for those who couldn't be there for our Temple Sealing in Manti, Utah. Thank you Bishop Hoffman for coaching us up until the very day!

 The entrance of our reception, designed and created by my Mother, Mardene Hanson. And with a-lot-a-bit of help from family..thanks Kristina! You've got the touch of craftiness.

Father Daughter/ Mother Son Dance

Our very first dance (for real) as Husband and Wife.
 Note my marvelous hair! Thank you Lindsay for making the dream a reality. It's so pretty :)

Followed by the Best Man's speech... it was obviously a good one!

..and on to the cutting of the cake

Here is one of us Hanson girls favorite most talented friends, Kaci (Goodrich) Uipi, she off the cuff played our ceremonial music and our first dance song on piano. She's brilliant!

Now let's Dance!!

super cool dance floor in a super cool photo... whos in real life?!

The final hoo-rah! eh-hem, not too high Mr.. there are young boys strategically standing behind you...
Those stinkers!

 And now it is time to show off our family!!

 My Cousin James holding his daughter, Sofie as she shys away from my kiss.

Her older sister, Gigi. My most favorite hugs!
     ....our extendend family all from my Moms side. "The Youngs"

And now for the goof balls...
 This is Matt, he's adopted into our family and is comedy relief for all awkward situations.
Plus he was the best MC ever for our reception! THank you MATT!
one of my favorite ones :) she fixed my dress, planned the food menu and brought it all! ..and made sure I was on time to our Temple sealing! She was awesome!!!
 our table decorations... Too bad we didn't get a photo of them actually on each table, it looked so cool.
PS. Thank you Christine and all of her helpers for doing all of the flowers... I swear, my family is amazing!
