The Jensens

The Jensens

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Final Thoughts

Today is the day! 

Well it was the day we've been told most consistently that our baby would be born on.
Earth Day!
I'd be thrilled if she were born and raised to be a tree hugging hippie.
What I wouldn't be thrilled about, is if she were born tomorrow on 4/20 and turned out to be a pot smoking hippie! 

  It's been smooth sailing these last few weeks. I was even able to go on a hike with my brother Robert & sister Christine while Geochaching. The happiest thing about it was how careful Robert was about me being stable and supported while trudging up a muddy slick hill. It was the best to see that side of my brother.
 And yesterday I think I finally hit my "nesting" phase :)  I literally deep cleaned the kitchen & bathroom (counter.. I left the toilet & bath for Chris) vacuumed the entire apartment and couch, dusted, did laundry and organized anything and everything I felt needed it. Oh, and I even took out the trash.
 This better mean she's on her way within the next 72 hours!

 Before she does I wanted to take some time to look back on a few things.
And a good start I guess would be, the beginning.

 My family was on to us the day we found out. It was one of my best friends birthdays, August 13th. We went into an urgent care, knowing they don't charge for pregnancy test and found out the good news. To celebrate we called our family and invited them out to dinner with all of us at BJs.  We were only 4 weeks along, so we didn't want to spill the beans just yet, so we disguised our celebration as a celebration for Chris getting a new job in Irvine.  Not 10 minutes after the invitation went out my sister Christine & her husband Mark both replied, "Why? Are you pregnant?!"
 haha. I was shocked! But thankfully we played it off well.

  A few weeks later my Paternal Grandmother was admitted into the hospital and wasn't making much progress. At just 8 weeks along, Chris and I decided to tell her about her first great-grandchild we would be having in April.  It was such a spiritual moment. Her face lit up with her familiar smile and her eyes awoke from their recent daze. We shared a few words and then she fell back into her sickness.  A few moments later she began to ask, "Where is she? Where's the baby?"
 Chris and I looked at each other with confusion and quickly tried to straighten out her thoughts before my parents came to visit. Yet, she insisted and kept asking about the baby girl. Needless to say, my parents were confused themselves.

 After a second stay in the hospital, my grandmother came home and peacefully passed away in September.
I was so grateful to have told her, what was still a secret to the rest of the family and can't help but think she's in heaven watching and preparing our sweet little girl to be welcomed into our family here on earth. 
  And, like she said, we're having a girl! We found out almost 2 months after her passing that we would be having a little girl and immediately thought of my grandmothers words. 
It makes you wonder just how close we are to heaven.
 Like my seminary teacher, Nancy Hales, would always say, "There's no such thing as coincidence."

 Fast forward months later... to last weekend.
Chris was working in the Temple all day and suggested that I come to the Temple myself. I thought he was a bit crazy, seeing that I was 39 weeks pregnant!!! But I thought twice and decided I'd go.
  It was a good choice.
 I felt and instant calm and spirit envelop my body immediately as I sat down. I knew it was where I should be. I was in the Temple for two hours, for those two hours our little baby was active for probably and hour & 45minutes of it all. It was amazing. Usually it takes food, music, or for me to lay down to get her moving. But there in the peaceful quiet I think she, too, was feeling the spirit and knew she was close to home. As her earthly mother it was such a comfort to be given awareness of just how spiritual our beings are, and that no matter the level of motherhood trials, our Heavenly Father is here to guide and comfort me and tell me I'm doing just fine.

 I can't wait to finally see our child face to face and develop the infinite love of a mother.
I couldn't ask for a greater blessing than being a mother, and I hold it close to my heart knowing that it's not a blessing given to every woman here on earth. And I hope to be a mother who can share her motherly duties with the women in my life to let them know just how much I love, value, and trust in them with one of the most precious gifts ever given; my child.
 I'm looking forward to the days to come and excited for family to visit and help welcome our baby into this world!

Lastly, I decided that I'd like a few pictures of me and my belly other than then week to week ones all against a white wall. So Chris and I went to a park near by our home and took a few shots. I think Chris has a little photography talent, if I don't say so myself :)  minus the not telling me when my hair was flying up in the wind..
Warning: Cheesy prego photos ahead! 


  1. I'm always so proud when you blog. Good job!

    PS I thought earth day was on the 22nd? I was pretty sure it fell on Jord's birthday... Am I wrong?

  2. Also, I ALMOST made this our blog background. Great minds think alike!

  3. hah. ya, you're right. I have the news broadcasters to that for that! They were wishing everyone a happy Earth Day, left & right.
    There's still a chance we could have ourselves a hippie!!
