The Jensens

The Jensens

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Baby bump

 Here is our time  lapse photos of pregnancy for your viewing pleasure.
What you don't know about these photos... every time (Thursday Nights usually) we took a photo we also began to get grumpy! I felt fat and ugly in ALL of them... Which now looking back, I don't look too shabby! Anyway, needless to say I felt very discouraged after each photo session.


 WEEK 15

 WEEK 16

 .... Right about this time in my pregnancy I started to get hit on by almost all the regulars @ TGI Fridays. Comments such as
 "You're one of the most beautiful women I have every laid eyes on."
"Where are you from?  The Middle East? I'm just so attracted to them, so you must be!" Hah. uhhh, I hope I'm not middle eastern...
and it went on.. the best was when a man told me that if he weren't married he'd for sure be coming after me.. Can you say awkward! And yes it became even more awkward when I continued the conversation with... that's funny I'm married, too.  
   Since then we've been buddies and an occasional fist pump is exchanged whenever we see one another.
I wonder when he'll realize that I'm pregnant, too!
Here's Chris trying to make me feel better about my growing belly and lazy ambiance.

 WEEK 18

 WEEK 21

 WEEK 24
We missed a few in between weeks as you might have seen, but you can tell in the early weeks that not much growing was happening week to week.
  As for the Third tr-mester..
I'm definitely growing, all over! Let's take a look






This week I went in and had my blood drawn for gestational diabetes. Sadly I'm right below the cut off of being diabetic, which is great, because it means I'm not. But it stinks because now I feel horrible whenever I want to eat sugar... which I love. I can say without exaggeration that Chris and I were eating ice cream just about every other night :/  hence the weight gain. Although it is mentioned in a pregnancy "diet" plan under servings of dairy. (and I'm suppose to have 4 servings!)
So there. I'm justified!

I also was given my RhoGAM shot. This is medicine that fools my antibodies.
You see, I have negative blood, and for some reason negative blood does not like positive blood. So, they give negative blood type mothers this shot to fool my negative blood type antibodies into not being able to recognize if there is any positive blood in my system.
Why would there be positive blood in my system? you ask.
Well baby Jensen might have positive blood. And if that's the case, we wouldn't want my negatives to begin attacking her positives.
Fortunately, for those positive mothers, they don't have to worry. It doesn't work both ways.

And lastly, during each check up Dr. Miller measures my belly,or uterus, to keep track of baby's growth. And this time I measured big. I asked if it was a problem, or something I needed to address, but he assured me that all was well and that I was just, "making a large baby."
Oh joy!
I am my mothers daughter.
(For the record, I was 12 lbs and Christopher was 10 lbs)
maybe she'll be 11 lbs

Here's an update of photos and what basic information I've learned with each visit back to Dr. Miller.



As of now I'm measuring just on track... The measurement is low as far as numbers go, but it's only because I'm tall. Tall people should be measuring @ smaller numbers, but it's only because our babies have more room within our torsos, so there's not as much protruding forward.
(I hope that makes sense)



As of week 36 I had 2 weeks left working at TGiF. My General Manager, Beau is kicking me out in fear of me going into labor any day now! 

I'm in my 37th week now... we just haven't gotten the photo taken yet. With only one more shift left, I will soon have all the time in the world to keep you updated. Hopefully I don't become ridiculously lazy. One of the reasons I've kept working is to keep myself from getting to that point.
I just keep hoping that so called "nesting" phenomenon will be kicking in soon. . .
We've got T minus 3 weeks & counting!

1 comment:

  1. Erica, You look SO good. I hope and pray you don't have a big baby. If you do, just so you know, recovery is the worst part. Just be sure to have enough pain meds on hand for when you have to walk. I can't wait to see your little girl. She is going to be a doll.

    P.S. Why did I just NOW find out you had a blog. I love it.
